BIOSC188 (or 888N): Students work in teams in an internship-like environment. Ether produce original work for the Soil Microbiome Project, or develop a manufacturing process to make Phyllostart here on campus. Guiding principles of biotechnology operations (quality systems, project managment, teamwork, QA, QC, customer satisfaction, product development, oversight and compliance, supply chain, manufacturing) are introduced and applied to production of data and analysis for a multi-year research project with internal and external customers.

Offered in Fall Semesters: for Fall 2024, BIOSC188-0195 meets Thursdays 5:50-9:00PM. (The non-credit version, BIOSC888N-0219 meets at the same place and time) First meeting is August 29.

What happens in the course?

Multichannel pipet
Looking at computer book
two sharing computer
Explaining to group
Pouring media
Pipetting at bench
group around table
biosafety hood weighing
happy with poster
Quality assays
Quality assays

development and performance for processing and analysis


importance to regulatory compliance and scientific progress

Scientific thinking

data collection strategies and data analysis

Project management

objectives and schedules, team dynamics, metrics

Supply chain management

Quality Control

methods, specifications, sampling, testing, environmental monitoring

Customer Service

determining/defining needs , process design, feedback

Field sampling

design and performance

Analysis and Extraction

processing, quantitation, combination and/or concentration

Prepare and present reports
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Skills in

  • Project management (including timely preparation of deliverables)
  • QA/QC
  • Documentation (notebook, batch records, data logs)

Knowledge of

  • Bioinformatics
  • Microbiology
  • Agronomic traits and measurements

Ability to

  • Continuous improvement
  • Communication and teamwork
  • Supply chain

Who should take this?

  • Biotechnology majors
  • Biology majors
  • STEM majors
  • Similar to an internship environment

What types of jobs does it prepare for?

  • Compliance Specialist
  • Product development associate
  • Validation specialist

More details about Biotechnology Operations here

Part of certificates

Biotechnology operations in 1 minute!
Biotech Operations Projects Explained! (4 minutes)