BioSc 172 teaches students about all aspects of the biotechnology field, with content appropriate for a wide range of students and professionals. Topics include legal and ethical issues surrounding biotechnology, cells, genes, DNA, proteins, genetic engineering, drug development, biofuels, agriculture, bioremediation, biotechnology company structure, and the regulations affecting the field. Satisfies pre-requisite and transfer requirements. General education:IGETC Area V and CSU B3, Articulates with UC Davis Biotech1 course.

Offered in Summer, Fall and Spring Semesters: for Spring 2025 BIOSC172-1724 is a 100% online course with a live online meeting from 7-8pm on Mondays. In the fall semesters, BIOSC172 must be taken along with the in-person lab, BIOSC172L. Spring class starts January 27.

What happens in the course?

Biological and chemical

principles underlying biotechnology.

Cell culture, including stem cells
Protein productio and purification

methods and applications.

Biotechnology companies:

Products, structure, processes and opportunities

DNA technologies:

sequencing, genome comparisons, gene isolation, PCR, recombinant DNA

Molecular biology, genetic engineering

cells, molecules, techniques and applications

Understanding cancer biology

especially cell signaling and treatments

Legal and ethical concerns

surrounding the field biotechnology and life sciences

How DNA works as genetic material

change traits, make products, understand inheritance, health


Gene expression, mutations, family history and breeding

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Skills in

  • Scientific Communication of biology and life science
  • Aligning biotechnology products to basic biology concepts
  • Navigate biotechnology company structure and innovation culture

Knowledge of

  • Biological structures and molecules (Cells, genes, DNA, Protein…)
  • Regulations affecting the biotechnology field
  • Cell culture, including stem cells

Ability to

  • Explain common life science techniques (PCR, chromatography, sequencing)
  • Discuss legal and ethical issues surrounding biotechnology
  • Explain process of bio-product development and manufacturing

Who should take the course?

  • Biotechnology students
  • General Education: IGETC (area V) and CSU GE (area B3)
  • Allied Health: Meets pre-requisite requirements to BIOSC 119, BIOSC 134
  • Articulates with UC Davis Biotech1 course

What type of jobs does it prepare for?

  • Research and lab support
  • Biorenewables
  • Biopharmaceutical manufacturing
  • Gene therapies
  • Immunotherapy (invivo, tissue collection, animal research)

More details about Introduction to Biotechnology lecture here.

Part of certificate

  • Biotechnology Technician
  • Biotechnolgy Associates of Science