BIOSC172: This course will teach students about all aspects of the biotechnology field, with content appropriate for a wide range of students and professionals. Topics will include the biology, business, and legal/ethical issues surrounding biotechnology; cells, genes, DNA, proteins, genetic engineering, drug development, biofuels, agriculture, bioremediation, biotechnology company structure, and the regulations affecting the field.

Skills in

  • Scientific Communication of biology and life science
  • Navigate biotechnology company structure and innovation culture
  • Aligning biotechnology products to basic biology concepts
  • Explain protein production and purification
  • Describe creation and use of recomdinant DNA
  • Cell theory

Knowledge of

  • Cell culture, including stem cells
  • Biological structures and molecules (Cells, genes, DNA, Protein…)
  • Regulations affecting the biotechnology field
  • genetic engineering and cellular reproduction
  • Gene expression and genetics
  • Biofuels, Agriculture
  • Biremediation
  • importance of Quality Control (documentation, Standard Operating Procedures, Lab notebooks) and regulatory agencies in the biotechnology industry.
  • basic chemistry
  • metabolism, including fermentation
  • Cell signaling

Ability to

  • Explain common life science techniques (PCR, chromatography, sequencing)
  • Discuss legal and ethical issues surrounding biotechnology
  • Explain process of bio-product development and manufacturing
  • Understand of the importance of maintenance of a safe and productive work environment.
  • Understand the process of scientific analysis

What types of jobs does it prepare for?

  • Research and lab support
  • Biorenewables
  • Biopharmaceutical manufacturing
  • Gene therapies
  • Immunotherapy (invivo, tissue collection, animal research)

Core Competencies

  • Word processing/spreadsheets
  • Business acumen
  • Basic biological concepts understood
  • Describe cell structure
  • Describe basic theory of cell culture
  • Define and distinguish among biological molecules
  • Demonstrate an understanding of biological concepts related to basic DNA recombinant and protein isolation and analysis that are routinely used in the biotechnology laboratory.
  • Construct the flow diagram of gene expression from DNA to protein
  • Explain recombinant DNA
  • Recombinant protein production
  • Demonstrate understanding of the use of chromatography and other separation methods for protein purification

Course outline of record for more complete information.

Biological and chemical

principles underlying biotechnology.

Cell culture, including stem cells
Protein productio and purification

methods and applications.

Biotechnology companies:

Products, structure, processes and opportunities

DNA technologies:

sequencing, genome comparisons, gene isolation, PCR, recombinant DNA

Molecular biology, genetic engineering

cells, molecules, techniques and applications

Understanding cancer biology

especially cell signaling and treatments

Legal and ethical concerns

surrounding the field biotechnology and life sciences

How DNA works as genetic material

change traits, make products, understand inheritance, health


Gene expression, mutations, family history and breeding

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