BIOSC875N: Hands-on introduction and practice of technical analysis work by doing short lab projects. This experience is excellent preparation for those wanting to work in a regulated industry such as cannabis, food safety, or dietary supplements and for the Foundations in Biotechnology courses and other lab trainees.

Offered in Spring and Summer Semesters: For summer 2024, BIOSC875N-3221 is offered as a camp! Plan on June 10-20 from 9am -12:30pm You can choose from either of the sessions: More details here

What happens in the class?

pointing to tube
ray doing science
pointing to tube
The Right to Operate

is based on Quality systems and Regulatory compliance

Tools of the trade

Correct usage of precision measuring devices

Quality systems

Recognize the importance of following established procedures

Basics of metrology

Basics of metrology (pH, balance, volumes, micropipetting, spectrophotometry)

Worplace essentials

Collaboration, teamwork, professionalism

Items identified

appropriate labeling and trackable

Tools of the trade

Correct usage of precision measuring devices

Quality management systems
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Skills in

  • Data collection strategies
  • Timely preparation of deliverables
  • Communication and teamwork in a scientific environment

Knowledge of

  • Scientific thinking and data collection strategies
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Process improvement using quality concepts

Ability to

  • Perform assays according to validated protocols
  • Comply with standards for accurate documentation
  • Communicate objectives and results of work

Who should take this course?

  • Cannabis industry
  • New lab trainees
  • Citizen scientists

What types of jobs does it prepare for?

  • Cannabis technician
  • Lab trainee
  • Operations assistant
  • Lab assistant

More details about Work Skills in Preparation for Applied Life Science Projects here.

Part of Certificates

Biological testing technician